Learn to Fly on the Water with Wingfoiling

Intro Level Wingsurfing Course Suitable for Absolute Beginners


Wingfoiling starts with wingsurfing. What does that mean? Learning to wingfoil starts with mastering the technique on a windsurf board. To begin wingfoiling safely, it is important to learn how to handle the wing correctly, and learning on a windsurf board makes this process much easier. A windsurf board differs from a foil board, as its construction provides stability and is more suitable for learning wing control.

The course begins with a theoretical session held on the beach. During this session, we learn the proper positioning of the wing for safe carrying, turning, and controlling it while sailing, allowing us to manage speed and direction effectively. Additionally, a simulator is used to enhance our preparedness for the practical part of the course. After gaining proficiency in the theoretical aspects, the course transitions to the water. In the presence of light winds, the objective is to put our acquired theoretical knowledge into practice and handle the wing correctly. Throughout the course, the instructor provides continuous support, offering guidance, valuable advice, and ensuring safety while assisting us in swiftly and effortlessly mastering the skill of wing control.


The Beginner Level Wingfoiling course is designed for individuals who have already mastered the basics of wing control. The course is conducted on a hydrofoil board, and the emphasis is on mastering foil riding, which is more technically demanding than riding a windsurf board.

A hydrofoil board is used in sports such as wingfoiling, foil surfing, and foil sailing. Its unique feature is the built-in foil that reduces water resistance, resulting in higher speeds and the ability to glide above the water surface. The construction and shape of the board differ from a windsurf board, making its use and technique different as well. The main advantage of this type of board is its ability to achieve speed even with lighter wind conditions. When used correctly, it allows gliding above the water surface even at low wind speeds.

For a safe and enjoyable ride, proper weight distribution and positioning techniques are crucial, and this is the focus of the course. The course includes learning the proper takeoff, directional control, speed management, and maneuvering with the foil. You will also learn the techniques of lifting and lowering the foil to fully utilize the advantages of gliding. Throughout the course, the instructor will provide guidance and tips, helping you to easily and comfortably master foil riding and ensuring a safe experience.

This course will prepare you for further progression in wingfoiling and independent skill development. Like any other sport, wingfoiling requires time and practice to develop wing control and foil riding skills. The more you train, the better you will become in terms of technique, speed, precision, and enjoying the sensation of flying above the water surface.

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